About Us

Motivated by God’s love, KEY Fellowship has a passion to glorify God, as we allow Him to live through us. In times of chaos, and great darkness, the light, truth and hope of the gospel must prevail. Join us on our journey as we believe for cities, states, and nations to be impacted by the power of prayer and service.

Jeremiah 1:10 “See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms. To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down, To build and to plant.”

KEY Executive Team

Ruth Willard


Over 30 years in ministry, Ruth Willard has served in many different capacities. Through March for Jesus, she has learned how to impact cities and call the church beyond its walls. Years of biblical studies, healing ministry, and working for the PA Senate have prepared her for today. Founder of KEY Fellowship, a group of hungry worshippers, intercessors, and lovers of God. This is an apostolic prophetic ministry with a heart to see God’s people demonstrate His Kingdom on earth. Birthed in 2014 and founded January 5, 2015, KEY Fellowship continues to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit for each directive with a heart of gratitude for those who serve alongside.

Beth Johnson

Executive Team Member

Beth Johnson is serving as an administrative assistant to the KEY Fellowship Executive Council. Her mountains of influence are Family and Education. She uses her prophetic, pastoral, administrative, project planning, and organizational giftings to equip and empower God’s people. Beth is also a member of KCIA and is currently the Intake/Assessment Specialist in Adult Literacy for Harford Community College. Her favorite scripture is Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord. Thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Astrid Lopez-Goldberg

Executive Team Member

Astrid Lopez-Goldberg is the wife of Todd “Joseph” and mother of Grant and Paul. She is a sincere lover of Jesus Christ, intercessor, and has a bent toward the prophetic. Recently, Astrid has joined the Executive Council of KEY Fellowship and we are looking forward to walking together. She has held positions in the Federal government as a Reactor Engineer and as an Attorney, and currently serves as a Regulatory Counsel for the Food and Drug Administration.

Richard & Lilllian Colon

Executive Team Member

Bio coming soon…

Lisa Hicks

Executive Team Member

Lisa Hicks is an international prophet, evangelist, teacher, and psalmist – whose focus is serving others while enlarging the Kingdom of God. As a prophetic visionary Lisa teaches others through praise, word, worship, and prayer to live intentionally in fiery intimacy with God. Lisa was one of the founders of The Prophet School of York Pa. She serves on the Executive Council for KEY Fellowship and partners with various ministries throughout the United States and around the world. Currently she is a prophetic voice with Harvest Chapel PA.

Rabon Johnson

Executive Team Member

“…The Joy of the Lord is my strength” Neh. 8:10. Rabon Johnson is an Encourager, Evangelist, Musician/Songwriter, who often receives prophetic revelation from the Lord. Rabon can express what the Holy Spirit is showing him in varied forms: through scripture, poetically, or even with an original song. Whatever the inspiration, the Holy Spirit often visits in tangible ways during our KEY meetings, with each member contributing. Rabon is a wonderful addition to the Executive Council of KEY Fellowship. He is also a member of KCIA and works as an Engineering Manager in the Defense Sector.

James Gurganus

Executive Team Member

James Gurganus has been a part of the Executive Council of KEY Fellowship since 2017. His mountains of influence are Family and Government.  James operates in prophetic gifts with a keen understanding of the prophetic meaning of names and numbers. You will often find him ministering to others through gifts of healing, deliverance, and words of knowledge. He currently works for the Army as a Mechanical Engineer at Aberdeen Proving Ground.

Bill Goodberlet

Executive Team Member

Bill Goodberlet has served as a marketplace minister and has over 40 years’ experience of building and leading teams in multiple settings. He currently serves as a Regional Manager for USA Benefits Group – licensed for Life and Health in Pennsylvania, including Medicare products. Many in York County remember him as organizer of the “March for Jesus” and other prayer events. A member of a local congregation, part of the Executive Council of KEY Fellowship and sits on the convening council of Prayer for York.  Bill plays guitar, leads worship – loves reading, swimming, and fires. 

Michael Beatty

Executive Team Member

Michael Beatty has been involved since the conception of KEY Fellowship. He is called to the church, marketplace, and government arenas to advance God’s Kingdom. In 2013, he had a vision of dancing with Jesus while on a business trip and has been dancing ever since. A talented shofar player, releasing the sound of awakening, repentance, which impacts regions. An enthusiastic lover of God, Michael is an explorer of the depths of God’s love, HIS healing, and reconciliation through the cross and resurrection. A tremendous asset to the KEY Fellowship Executive Team.

KEY Advisors

Mark Kauffman

Jamie Fitt

Marcia Rhoades

Jim Kilmartin

Rich & Linda Brink

Rick Curry